Year 12 (SACE Stage 2) Overview

Introduction to the SACE

What is SACE?

  • SACE stands for South Australian Certificate of Education.
  • A qualification for entry into universities and further training that is recognised nationally and internationally.
  • The SACE is flexible, and caters for learning both in and outside school.
  • Students can combine study and part-time work, a traineeship or school-based apprenticeship.
  • Students can receive credit for SACE subjects, Vocational Education and Training (VET), community learning, and university studies.

Additional Information about the SACE

SACE Requirements

  • Students need 200 credits to achieve the SACE of which at least 70 must be at Stage 2.
  • Most 10 credit subjects are studied over one semester and most 20 credit subjects are studied over two semesters.
  • Students need to achieve a C grade or higher for Stage 1 requirements and a C- grade or higher for Stage 2 requirements to achieve the SACE.

SACE Stage 2 Curriculum

The SACE Stage 2 Curriculum is usually undertaken by students in Year 12. This can include Year 11 IGNITE students.

At Stage 2 students undertake subjects to the value 70 Credits, which contributes to their SACE completion.

Vocational Education and Training (VET) in SACE:  As part of their SACE (Stage 1 and 2), students can complete Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses. The flexibility of the SACE means that students can achieve their SACE with a focus on VET. Recognition can be given for up to 150 SACE credits at Stage 1 and/or Stage 2 for successfully completed VET. For more information please visit the APHS Vocational Education and Training Page.

Please click on the link below to download the subject selection form.

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Bienvenidos a Aberfoyle Park High School

El futuro de su hijo comienza aquí para que pueda alcanzar la mejor versión de sí mismo.

Con una orgullosa tradición de éxito académico, ofrecemos una variedad de materias y actividades extracurriculares para involucrar a todos los estudiantes dentro de una cultura que abraza y fomenta la excelencia.

Apoyamos a todos los estudiantes para que puedan alcanzar un alto nivel en un ambiente seguro, positivo y afectuoso. La innovación y la creatividad son valoradas en todos nuestros programas con un plan de estudios desafiante, dinámico y relevante que promueve el aprendizaje permanente. Ayudamos a los estudiantes a convertirse en pensadores críticos responsables, adaptables e independientes que actúan de manera ética y con seguridad en todo lo que hacen.

Bienvenue à Aberfoyle Park High School

L’avenir de votre enfant commence ici afin qu’il puisse réaliser leur potentiel.

Avec une fière tradition de succès scolaire, nous offrons une variété de matières et d’activités extrascolaire pour intéresser tous les élèves, et nous cultivons une culture qui embrasse et encourage l’excellence.

Nous soutenons tous les élèves afin qu’ils puissent atteindre un niveau élevé dans un environnement sûr, positif et bienveillant. De plus, nous valorisons l’innovation et la créativité, et avec un programme dynamique et pertinent, nous encourageons l’apprentissage tout au long de la vie. Nous aidons les élèves à développer une pensée critique, et à devenir des jeunes responsables, résilients et indépendants qui agissent de manière éthique et confidentielle dans tout ce qu’ils font.

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우리는 모든 학생들에게 안정적이고 긍정적인 환경에서 높은 수준을 성취 할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

혁신과 창의성은 모든 프로그램에서 강조되고 있으며, 도적적이고 역동적인 교육과정은 평생학습을 장려합니다.

우리는 학생들이 책임감 있고 탄력적이며 독립적인 비판적 사고를 가지고 윤리적으로 행동하며 자신감이 넘치는 사람이 되도록 돕습니다.



